What is the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist?

All orthodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are orthodontists.  In fact, only about six out of a hundred dentists have the proper training to be "orthodontists".

As a specialist in orthodontics, unlike general dentists who provide orthodontic care, Dr. Alexander and Dr. Hoffman are focused only on your orthodontic needs and have completed the residencies necessary to be licensed Orthodontists. 

At what age should I schedule my child for their first orthodontic evaluation?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening at age seven. Don’t worry! Most kids do not need any orthodontic treatment at this age. However, seeing an orthodontic specialist at this age can help to catch any developing growth or tooth eruption issues.

No! You may call us to schedule an appointment at any time.

Do I need a referral to see an orthodontist?

What type of braces do you offer?

At Alexander & Hoffman Orthodontics, we offer an array of treatment options to find the best option for your specific needs. We offer traditional metal brackets, clear ceramic brackets, lingual brackets, and clear aligners including Invisalign. We also offer palatal expanders, orthopedic appliances to correct growth issues, and digital impressions.

How long will I wear my braces?

The length of treatment can vary and will depend on the specific complexities of your case. Orthodontic treatment time can range from as short as 6 months or up to 30 months, but the average length of treatment is 2 years.